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We are Better Together!

Westwood neighborhood association collects dues on a voluntary basis. Dues collected go towards community projects, meetings, social events, newsletters, the annual party and maintaining the integrity of our neighborhood. We also donate a portion of the dues to local schools. A household membership is $50 or there is an option for $30 for a single person membership. Please use the link to the right to pay your membership dues. All dues are collected based on the calendar year.
Annual Events

Every year the Westwood Neighborhood association plans several neighborhood wide events! All events are open to all Westwood neighbors and are free to participate in! Here are just a few:

Almost Spring Social Social: Hosted in quarter one. 
Walnut Creek Cleanup: Hosted on Easter weekend each year.
Westwood Summer Splash: Family Friendly event held in July/Aug.
Annual Chili Dinner & Meeting: Neighborhood Meeting and meal held in Oct/Nov.
Halloween Hunt: Hosted in October of each year.
Annual Food Bank of Iowa Holiday Food Drive: November and December.

Click below to become a member or to pay your dues!  Dues are good for a Calendar Year so please renew in January.

Individual Membership $30

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Family Membership $50

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Prefer to mail in your dues?

Send a check to

Mickey Shields

21 SW 52nd

Des Moines, IA 50312


Want to be a part of the WNA board? 

contact us at

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